martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Choques entre bandos en manifestación SOS Venezuela.(Clashes between factions in Venezuela SOS manifestation.)


In the plaza of Union Square in New York more than 1,300 Venezuelans gathered, adding to the protests that have been doing in New York on the situation that occurs in Venezuela.
Participants made a human SOS in the square, as the crowd surrounded them with banners and flags.
A group of about 20 people who support the government of Nicolas Maduro appreciation in the square and a verbal confrontation occurred.

Did they this really matter? How it affects Maduro that a group of people gather half a world away and say that supports Venezuelan Protestants? Does it matter that Protestants do care feel supported, even if it´s only in a moral way? What people worldwide shout their support really changes things when a ruler does not care what his own people are screaming?
The world is a complicated place and people too. I have no answers at this time, but it is important to ask questions.

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