martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Quebec’s Separatist Premier Calls a Snap Election for April.


Pauline Marois , the first separatist premier of Quebec , on Wednesday called for early elections to choose new provincial legislature. This under the idea of ​​a referendum to achieve independence for Quebec.
The party of Ms. Marois has provoked debate over the use of religious symbols and the Liberal Party which opposes it and wants to support belonging to Canada is suffering a prolonged investigation for involvement in organized criminal links.
Most citizens do not favor Quebec separation from Canada, but it is believed that at this time the separatist party may have a chance because of the weakness of their opponents.
The Liberal Party lost its most prominent leader and not a great leader. A new party Coalition Avenir Québec hopes to attract the votes of those who do not like liberals but do not want to separate from Canada.

The course of the news I've posted on this blog until today , seems to lead to two theories that say that people will continue to hate and generations pass , hatred remains and the second elected rulers or not , they do what they want regardless of the people that elects them or thinking just in that part of the population.
Both thesis could explain this news, it's weird to me how it is that the world works this way. A ruler led his opinion wants to do something that few want for differences that many generations have passed.
If this ruling has its way then Canada is split in two and there will be a little more polarized world where each country will enhance your values ​​on others and continue the cycle of hatred.

Kiev Cites Campaign of Pressure by Russia


The new Ukrainian government conducted accusations against Russia because of military pressure being exerted on the Crimean peninsula. Russia has deployed 16,000 troops in the region. The Ukrainian government said that Russian forces had made ​​an ultimatum to the Ukrainian forces, which was denied by Russia.
The Security Council of the United Nations met in an emergency session on Friday, Yuriy Sergeyev distributed a letter denouncing the situation.
The tension increases considerably and remembers the confrontation between Russia and the West in the Cold War.
Russia denies allegations of disobedience to international law, they say that their purpose is defending their legitimate interests in the peninsula. President Viktor Yanukovich who fled to Russia and they even consider the legitimate president.
The Security Council was convened by the Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin this way Russia justifies its actions and no action is taken by the council.

Is the world really this crazy? , Europe is the continent with the most historically brutal wars, but learn the lessons is something that apparently nobody cares. All are trying to impose their ideals to others, playing the old games of power. Everyone does what they please until the retention is so high that you can see as a Berlin Wall stands in Kiev.

Choques entre bandos en manifestación SOS Venezuela.(Clashes between factions in Venezuela SOS manifestation.)


In the plaza of Union Square in New York more than 1,300 Venezuelans gathered, adding to the protests that have been doing in New York on the situation that occurs in Venezuela.
Participants made a human SOS in the square, as the crowd surrounded them with banners and flags.
A group of about 20 people who support the government of Nicolas Maduro appreciation in the square and a verbal confrontation occurred.

Did they this really matter? How it affects Maduro that a group of people gather half a world away and say that supports Venezuelan Protestants? Does it matter that Protestants do care feel supported, even if it´s only in a moral way? What people worldwide shout their support really changes things when a ruler does not care what his own people are screaming?
The world is a complicated place and people too. I have no answers at this time, but it is important to ask questions.

Se entregó Leopoldo López, líder de la oposición en Venezuela.(Leopoldo López, leader of the opposition in Venezuela was turned in.)


Today Leopoldo Lopez, one of the most important leaders of the opposition at this time gave himself to the Authorities of Venezuela. Authorities were searching for his alleged role in the violence that left three dead in protests last week in the massives march against the government.
Lopez said before surrendering " Today I stand before an unjust, corrupt justice, who does not judge according to the constitution and laws, but Venezuelans I stand before you with our deepest commitment that if imprisonment goes for the awakening of the people and the majority of Venezuelans who want change in peace and democracy, will be well worth the jail time. "
Last night another young man died in anti-government marches when he was hit by a car. The 17 year old was hit in the eastern city of Carupano.
It seems that the driver creek several demonstrators. The opposition said the driver was a supporter of the government, but this could not be confirmed by the authorities.

What is happening in Venezuela is something that leaves me speechless, but in a global context seems to be as common as the sunrise. Everywhere there is an army crackdown on the people, and a leader who thinks he can do whatever he wants. A police called People's Guard that for some reason is the one with more fervor repression of protesters and give them a few strokes to remember that they can’t express their opinion.
There is definitely something wrong with the way we are raising countries, this can’t happen again and again.

At North’s Suggestion, Koreas Open Dialogue


Wednesday began the dialogue between North Korea and South Korea. This dialogue is the most important since the nuclear test in North Korea last year.
The meeting is held in the village of Panmunjom located on the border. The dialogues are taken with skepticism both from U.S. and from South Korea because they can be a distraction from the military programs of North Korea currently active.
Relations reached a low point when a warship of South Korea sank killing 46 sailors, an alleged the use of a North Korean torpedo. After artillery attacked an island in South Korea. In December 2012 long-range missile was launched and finally in February 2013 nuclear test was conducted.
With the new year North Korea under his threats and said look its relations with South Korea. It seeks to achieve the meeting of families separated since the war that ended in 1953.
President Park of South Korea said it would increase humanitarian aid if North Korea showed signs of goodwill. But clearly it will not be anything important until North Korea end its nuclear program.

The world revolves around you see, twice, a thousand times ... but people do not see the difference. Resentments are stronger than anyone imagined. It is said that the ideals live forever, but if those ideals are only of hatred and fear, then why do also? , Are we destined to live in an endless cycle of hatred? I do not know. But we can fight because they do not, we can try.