martes, 1 de abril de 2014

What then is peace or violence?

The facts are facts, facts aren’t whites or blacks, facts aren’t grey. But if someone scream Black and another scream White. You really don’t know what type of grey is.

The facts are that in San Cristobal a city of Venezuela there is or was barricades in some streets. Then the Sunday 30 of March was the Guardia Nacional for remove these barricades. 

Then the telesurtv news channel was and says that the objective of the Guardia Nacional was return the peace and tranquility of the people and they make it. They say that the Guardia Nacional freed San Cristobal of this violent and terrorists groups that kept kidnapped. In the title of that news article it says "The National Guard of Venezuela freedom of the violence the city of San Cristobal"
For the other side U.S.  news channel  Voice of America in your spanish version  say that Venezuela has lived another day of oppression and violence. They say that the students were attacked in the attempt for remove the barricades and at least two people died. In the title of that news article says “…chaos in San Cristobal".


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